Organization Settings

The Organization settings page can be reached by clicking the Settings link in the dashboard’s sidebar.

When you first visit the settings page, it should look similar to the following screenshot.

To make the account information editable, click the Edit button at the top right of the page. Once you have done so, you will be able to start editing the information on this page.

To update the name, simply type a name that is fitting for your Organization. For our demo example, we will pretend our Organization is called “Rocket Labs”.

To edit the Logo used for the organization, click the Change button and select a file for the image you would like to use.

Once these changes have been made, click Save to update your account.

Cardano Withdrawal Addresses

Mainnet Withdrawal Address

This is the mainnet Cardano address, where you would like funds to be sent when customers pay for an item. These are standard addresses on the Cardano network, and they must always begin with addr1 followed by the remainder of the address.

Testnet Withdrawal Address

Adding a testnet address could be useful, if you intend to use this Test environment, which allows you to test the account and checkout pages without risking any real (mainnet) tokens.

Supra uses the preproduction network for testnet transactions.

Preproduction network addresses will always begin with addr_test1. It is not necessary to add a testnet address to use your Supra account.